3rd National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences NSATRS 2022 Virtual Symposium
3rd National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences
Virtual Symposium
The Third National Symposium of the UCIARS, NSATRS-2022 was held on 28th June 2022 as a Virtual symposium on the theme of “EXPLORING PATH FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE THROUGH INTEGRATIVE RESEACH”. The objective of the symposium was bringing academics, researchers, and professionals in diverse subject areas to promote new horizons that foster enhanced agricultural performances through clean and smart agricultural concepts for ensuring global food security and rural development.
Twenty eight research articles were published in the proceedings of NSATRS-2022. Senior Professor H.D.Karunaratne, The Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo graced the symposium as the Chief Guest of the NSATRS 2022 and he mentioned that the symposium provided a unique platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, innovative farmers and the industry to deliberate and discuss on the diverse areas of Agro-Technology.
Emeritus professor Upali Samarajeewa, University of Peradeniya and Professor Paul A. Iji, The Dean of College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Fiji National University joined as the keynote speakers for the NSATRS 2022.