Commencement of Work – Year 2021
The UCIARS commenced its first day activities of the year 2021 with a religious ceremony and followed by raising the National Flag, singing of the National Anthem and taking the oath. The ceremony was presided by Prof. S Sutharsan / Director with the participation of all Academic, Administrative and non-academic staff members of the institute.
1st National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences (NSATRS) 2020 Virtual Symposium
The First National Symposium of the UCIARS, NSATRS-2020 was held on 15th December 2020 as a Virtual symposium on the theme of “A WAY FORWARD IN GREEN AGRICULTURE TOWARDS RURAL DEVELOPMENT". The objective of the symposium is to dissaminate the scientific knowledge for the advancement of rural livlihood and other stakeholders specially students, researchers and [...]
Production of a dual purpose machine for curing of bio wrappers and fabrication of bio plates with Banana leaves
Environmentally friendly bio food wrappers with banana leaves are commercially produced using this machine The capacity of bio wrapper production of this machine is about 5,000 wrappers per eight hours working day. The cost of production includine purshasing fresh banana leaves and curing with the machine is about 6.50 Rs per wraper. To develop this [...]