Visit of Hon. Minister Chamal Rajapaksa to UCIARS on 01.01.2021
Opening ceremony of the newly established Buddha Shrine at University of Colombo Institute for Agro Technology and Rural Sciences was opened on 1 st of January 2021. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Hon. Minister Chamal Rajapakse. This remarkable event was organised by the Director, staff and students of the UCIARS.
Professor Chandrika Wijeyaratne, Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo sent her valuable thoughts to this occasion and shared among the audience. Prof Sutharsan / Director, Prof. S.Subasinghe / Former Director, Dr V Nisansala / Head of the Department of Agro Technology and Dr W Sujatha / Senior Lecturer explained the past, present and future activities of the UCIARS to the Hon. Minister.
Hon Min. Chamal Rajapaksa appreciated the activities of the UCIARS and promised to provide facilities to enhance the activities of the UCIARS to enhance the Agriculture sector of Sri Lanka.