- The contents of the Extended Abstracts:
·Title page: Title, author name/s and addresses (institutional affiliations), email addresses of
all the authors.
·Abstract: Maximum of 350 words.
·Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords.
·Introduction: Maximum of 350 words.
·Materials and Methods: Maximum of 350 words.
·Results, Discussion and Conclusion/s: Maximum of 800 words. Only one table or figure
could be included in this section.
·References: Maximum of five key references could be included (Please use Harvard Author
Date system).
·Figures and tables may be embedded in the text body and the respective captions and
cross-references should be correctly indicated.
·Figures: Please send the images in jpg format with at least 1024 x 768 size in pixels. Graphs
prepared by applications other than MS Excel should be sent as jpg images.
·Please use the given format for the cross-references and captions Figure 01. / Table 01.
2. Page Settings
·Page size: A4/ 2.5 cm margin in all sides.
·Font: Times new roman/ Size 12.
·Line spacing: 1.5
·Text alignment: Justified.